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Re: Lowongan Kalimantan PT. Infoglobal

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Analyst (Code : AN)
PT Infoglobal (PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta (Infoglobal Group))
Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
Around Expected Salary
Infoglobal mengembangkan solusi piranti lunak dan keras yang bersifat product –based maupun project-based. Bidang yang menjadi fokus Infoglobal adalah Government, Utility, Defense, Energy dan Asset Management. Kami Membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional muda yang menyukai tantangan dalam dunia IT dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Bachelor's in computer science, computer engineering, GIS or related technical field
Five or more years of enterprise and/or solution GIS related architecture experience
Experience in technical consulting with large IT organizations, solution design, project envisioning and planning, technology deployment, and operational support
Ability to map customers' business requirements to technology
A strong understanding of information technologies including web services and database, networking and storage technologies
Experience with ArcGIS product suite (desktop and server based)
Experience with one or more Microsoft technologies (.NET, C#, VB.NET, or ASP.NET)
Experience with one or more ArcGIS Server API (Flex, Silverlight, Javascript, MOSS)
Experience with Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, or other RDBMS
Excellent problem-solving and organizational skills
Excellent interpersonal, writing, and presentation skills
Able to be assign in Balikpapan, Kalimantan
Preferable Qualifications:
TOGAF or other similar certification
ESRI Enterprise System Design Associate Certification
Knowledge of and proven experience integrating multiple enterprise technologies (e.g., MOSS, SAP)
Have good knowledge and experience in GIS technologies, ideally using the ESRI product suite
Logical / physical design and development experience implementing enterprise systems
Knowledge of and experience using system architecture and database design modeling tools
Previous programming and database design experience
Kirim surat lamaran & CV lengkap Anda dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi / Subject Email ke alamat:
PT. Infoglobal
Jl. Sriwijaya No.36 Surabaya 60265
atau email:
Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap mengenai INFOGLOBAL kunjungi website kami
Terima Kasih Sebelumnya

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